It might not come as a surprise to you or any Indiana resident that going through the end of a marriage can be a stressful and daunting experience. While you may feel that dissolving your marriage is the healthiest path, if you have kids, there is a chance...
The Law Firm You Want On Your Side
Family Law
So, you’ve taken the first step in your family law matter, whether it be a divorce or paternity, or a post-divorce or post-paternity modification or contempt action, and you’ve decided to contact a lawyer and scheduled an appointment for an initial consultation. One...
Safeguarding your plans for retirement at the end of a marriage
There are a multitude of factors that play a role in the process of preparing to enter retirement, and you might spend decades planning and saving for this stage of life. Even so, having a strategy for every possible future circumstance can be quite a task, and any...
Seeking to modify a parenting plan due to a relocation
There are a variety of circumstances in life that could leave you with a need or desire to move to a different location. Whether it stems from a change in employment, or from an inclination to move closer to family, your decision to relocate might not only seem...
Should my ex and I opt for co-parenting or parallel parenting?
You and your spouse have your differences, but you have concluded that separating from one another will lead to a positive change for both you and your children’s lives. The question now is how you split parental duties in a way that keeps the needs of your children...
How Does Governor Holcomb’s Executive Stay in Place Order Affect Parenting Time?
During these unprecedented and unsettling times, parents who find themselves co-parenting with another parent who lives in a different household have many questions. It is important to remember that parents always need to put their children’s best interest first....
Building plans takes a lifetime, but separating is no quick task
Divorcing later in life can be difficult. You’ve spent some of your best years with your partner, and lived a full life during your marriage. If that life had extensive financial planning along with it, it could be a tall order to start untangling years’ worth...
What to consider before including retirement in a pre or postnup
Retirement savings are arguably some of the most complicated assets to divide in an Indiana divorce. Many spouses are unsure of how to approach this difficult topic and how the courts will divide something that both of them have spent a considerable amount of time...
Indiana Child Support Attorney Blog: Do You Need A Child Support Modification?
Do you believe that you may be paying too much or receiving too little in child support? You may be entitled to a modification. Here are a few things you need to know to determine if you are eligible for a review of a child support order. According to Indiana Code, a...