During these unprecedented and unsettling times, parents who find themselves co-parenting with another parent who lives in a different household have many questions. It is important to remember that parents always need to put their children’s best interest first....
The Law Firm You Want On Your Side
Month: March 2020
What is a Residuary Estate and Why Do I Need One?
As simple as it sounds, there are two crucial points in having a residuary estate. First, I always be sure that every reasonable contingency has been resolved by the plan. No matter what the odds, it is the practitioner’s job to find a recipient for the testator’s...
What Impact Will Corona Virus Have on My Will?
If you are currently making changes or modifications to your current estate plan, you should not expect video conferencing and the recent changes in Indiana allowing Electronic Wills and Trusts to help in light of the CoVID-19 pandemic. The state legislature of...
Building plans takes a lifetime, but separating is no quick task
Divorcing later in life can be difficult. You’ve spent some of your best years with your partner, and lived a full life during your marriage. If that life had extensive financial planning along with it, it could be a tall order to start untangling years’ worth...