Driving is risky. Every year in Indiana thousands of motorists are involved in a crash, sometimes with grave consequences. From 2015-18, an average of 852 people died annually in car wrecks across the state, according to one statistical report.
Many more suffered life-altering injuries. That same report found an average of 3,484 people each of those years suffered an incapacitating injury as a result of a wreck, meaning that person was no longer able to walk, drive or continue doing other activities they’d been capable of prior to the accident.
After serious wrecks, victims may consider a lawsuit to hold the responsible driver accountable. What types of compensation might the injured victim receive? Here is a brief overview of some, but not all, possible damages.
Medical costs
Everybody knows how expensive medical bills can be, even for seemingly minor issues. For a crash that results in more serious problems – such as broken bones, a traumatic brain injury or internal injuries requiring major surgery – health costs can quickly add up. A lawsuit may seek compensation for these costs.
These damages aren’t necessarily limited to the victim’s current bills. In some circumstances, compensation may take into account long-term medical care needs, such as therapy, medicine or ongoing treatment required due to the wreck.
Pain, suffering and emotional impacts
A successful lawsuit can even take into account some of the repercussions that are not easily quantifiable. This includes the pain and suffering the victim endured as a result of the crash, as well as other impacts, such as:
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Loss of ability to enjoy aspects of life
- Depression and anxiety
- A negative impact on personal, intimate relationships
Lost wages and work potential
Even after a minor crash, an involved motorist might miss some time off work, due to recovering from any injuries or attending medical appointments. In serious wrecks, this can stretch on for much longer. For example, a person hospitalized after suffering a traumatic brain injury may not be able to work for weeks or months, resulting in a significant amount of lost income.
Damages may also take into account hypothetical expected income. Someone who had been a lifelong construction worker, for example, may face significant hurdles making money in the future if their car crash injuries resulted in an arm amputation.
While this list is not exhaustive, it can offer you a general overview of the types of damages someone may want to seek following a car crash.